Southside Academy is a new private, Christian school located at Peacemakers of Rocky Mount. We serve low-income families in the south-side of Rocky Mount and surrounding areas, and are opening in August of this year! We exist to foster hope in God within under-resourced areas of Rocky Mount by providing children with a remarkable, God-centered education.


For most of the scholars we serve at Peacemakers, educational access is hindered by economic disadvantage. Resources that support holistic development, such as rich vocabulary input, professionally-competitive skill development, mental health services, and opportunities and training for parental involvement are not readily available nor adequately tailored for scholars who come from under-resourced households.


When schools don’t meet the needs of the community, academic failure is just the beginning. Increased dropout and incarceration rates resulting from educational inadequacy negatively impact future prospects and facilitate self-perpetuating cycles within the community that lead to continual socioeconomic disadvantage and loss of hope. It’s time to open a new door for our students, to offer them a new hope, and to partner with their families to ensure that their education becomes a tool by which they can not only succeed, but become beacons of hope for their community.
The chronic academic under-achievement of our communities economically-disadvantaged children is a challenge that can be overcome – if we care enough to make the investment.


At Southside Academy, we provide comprehensive support to our
scholars year-round through our 7 Philosophies of Education:

  • Christ-centered.
  • Classical style of learning.
  • Fostering a love of learning.
  • Commitment to a nurturing educational environment.
  • Promoting love of history and cultures through purposeful storytelling and exposure.
  • Creative classroom engagement.
  • Focus on purpose, good choices and character development.

Schools implementing a similar model across the country demonstrate significant academic gains. At Hope Academy in Minneapolis, students perform 40% better on math and reading proficiency tests than their peers in local public schools. At Brookstone Schools in Charlotte, 95% of graduates meet or exceed North Carolina learning standards. A comparison of national norm-based achievement tests places Brookstone students in the top 30% of the country.


Typical private schools charge parents tuition that covers 90% of cost per student and the rest comes from business and organizations in the community. For our students, we can count on 10% to come from their families, so we need our community partners to become active participants! The future of our community is directly linked to the investment we make in our children. Higher quality, comprehensive education becomes a tool wielded by future entrepreneurs, future community leaders, and future change makers. As
a community, it is our responsibility and privilege to empower our children with this tool.


$7,000 per student

Includes: Teachers, robust curricula, student programs, field trips, support services and

Parents will only pay $35/month of this amount with North Carolina Opportunity Scholarships and community partnerships covering the rest.


Southside Academy at Peacemakers accepts gifts via check, credit card, cash, stock or other tangible assets. Peacemakers is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

To make a donation, contact Donna Clifton at donna@ rockymountpeacemakers.org, call 252.212.5044 or Click Here to Give Online

Some employers will match the gifts provided by their employees to educational and philanthropic organizations. Please inquire to find out if your employer provides such support.

It is the policy of SOUTHSIDE ACADEMY, INCORPORATED not to discriminate in regard to services rendered on the basis of race, creed, ancestry, marital status, gender, age, physical disability, veteran’s status, political service or affiliation, color, religion, or national origin.